Meeting documents

SWT Community Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 27th July, 2022 6.15 pm

This matter is the responsibility of Executive Portfolio Holder for Sports, Parks, Leisure and Phosphates, Councillor Derek Perry .


Report Author:  David Wheeler, Leisure Manager-– External Operations 


Everyone Active represented by Mark Washington and David Greenwood.




Cllr Derek Perry introduced the item via zoom as portfolio holder for Sports, Parks and Leisure. 


David Green presented a series of slides which outlined the progress Everyone Active has made in the last six months. The presentation slides can be viewed here.


Overall, the outlook was positive, due to the through-put and footfall through the doors and increase in activity at the Sports Centres and pools which was coming back up to pre-pandemic levels but there were a couple of key challenges that the organisation faced going forward: - 

·        Energy / Environmental – The increase in utility bills was a major challenge, and SLM were trying to mitigate against this using good energy housekeeping. They were shutting down rooms, appliances and equipment which were not in use and seeking alternative more energy efficient ways of using the centres. (For example, reducing pool temperatures by a degree. Converting to LED lighting where possible and expanding the use of solar panels). 

·        Competition – Other gyms in the area were now offering very competitive rates and monthly membership. Everyone Active had to come up with ways to preserve their price-point advantage and promote the benefits of public sector facilities over those in the private sector. One example given was the highly trained personnel who operated in the SLM sports centres. Recently staff had saved a life using CPR following a cardiac arrest, which meant that the casualty made a full recovery in hospital. 


It was stressed that these were not "terminal" challenges but did present some issues around BAU operations. The partnership between SLM and SWT remained strong and the relationship with officers on both sides continued to be positive and supportive. 


Questions arising: - 

·        Is going cashless in the leisure centres excluding children from swimming or being able to use the facilities? This has not been subject to negative feedback so far, but the situation will be monitored. Most people prefer to book online prior to arrival at the pool to ensure they have use of the facilities. This was implemented during COVID and has continued, particularly around lane swimming and prevents overcrowding. 

·        Are there any activities being delivered in the West Somerset area, around the free membership for children in care and people with Parkinson’s Disease? Not at present but SLM are hoping to work more closely with County Sports in partnership to develop more links in this area. Mini medics, walking cricket and mini football are all initiatives that are being developed. 

·        What arrangements are in place to work with GP’s around social prescribing? Everyone Active do work with users to promote better health outcomes for patients but need to have more contact with local GPs. If these links could be established, then Everyone Active would gladly accommodate. It was agreed that there was a need to improve the message to GPs about the exercise referral scheme. 


Final Notes

·        Is there any way to analyse users of the leisure facilities via postcode, to get a breakdown of the demographic? In particular in Priorswood concerning Wellsprings which was operating in a very deprived area. - The Chair agreed that this was an answer that could be provided at the next update. 


·        Can Everyone Active please provide in their appendices of future reports the statistics for 6month and yearly usage of the facilities. This will help to identify seasonal trends.


·        Can Everyone Active please ensure that their grounds maintenance work extends to the environs of their facilities. This applies especially to the golf club and the neighbouring boundary hedges and fencing.

Supporting documents: